Cancellation and travel insurance
Rules and conditions
- Cancellation up to 3 months before arrival is free of charge.
- For cancellation 3 months until 1 months before arrival we calculate 40% of the whole price.
- For cancellation 1 months until 1 week before arrival we calculate 70% of the whole price.
- If you arrive late, depart early or cancel less then 1 week we will calculate 90% of the whole price.
Occasionally, something can happen before the start of a trip. With our trip cancellation insurance you are financially covered. Should a booked stay at a hotel be delayed, or even not taken up or prematurely broken off, cancellation charges can be redeemed. In order to save you any expenses in such cases, we recommend you take out this trip cancellation insurance, with which you are covered by the Europäische Reiseversicherung's travel insurance.